menopause enabling our places of work

How I work…

Drawing on decades of experience in global project management, change management and menopause in business, I know how to create and embed change. I focus on five key areas.



Menopause support is a cornerstone of an inclusive and equitable culture, where people seek both to stay and succeed in their chosen careers.


Menopause does not affect ambition, but a lack of support, awareness and opportunity does. People want to succeed.


Increased public focus on gender diversity in senior and executive positions makes effective menopause support an imperative for strategic workforce planning.


Organisations that visibly raise awareness and openly support their employees through menopause attract talent.


We are all experiencing menopause vicariously. We therefore need to be both aware of its impact and how to talk to colleagues about it.


Powerful talks, packed with actionable strategies to enable awareness-driven change across your organisation.

Yes, I talk about symptoms and the impact on women in the workplace. But, I also talk about the impact on men as partners, colleagues, family members and friends.

Relationships are critical to our success whether they are at home or at work. They offer support and opportunities. I talk about how to nurture them and how both parties can role model conversation.





Delivering specific skills to managers and those experiencing menopause to drive a step change in cultural understanding through empowerment and role modelling.

Being a manager today requires excellent people skills. Training focusses on how to role model inclusive behaviours and to talk confidently about menopause to teams and individuals, and identify and manage negative behaviours.

Being menopausal can undermine confidence in our career abilities and choices. Training looks at what’s going on, how to address it, how to access support and how to nurture those all-important business relationships.



Women & Menopausal people


Working with individuals who are either menopausal or managers of those who are.

For those wanting to nurture their career but are struggling with symptoms, coaching enables individuals to understand and take control of their unique experience, continue to nurture key relationships and achieve their ambitions.

For managers this is a focussed programme of sessions over three months, to address issues and empower them to comfortably talk about menopause with their team. To role model positive behaviours, deal with negative behaviours and support those that require it.

Women & Menopausal people



Focussing on organisational processes to create inclusive places of work through policies and guidelines, communication and data analysis to create a foundation for change.

Policies and guidelines are an essential. They define an organisation’s expectations of its people. But without consistent and multi platformed communication, they will have limited impact.

Utilising organisational data to identify recruitment, progression and exiting trends. To create an informed change plan which can then be measured for success.

Policies & Guidelines

Data Analysis


Ways to work with me

Inclusivity Call

Got a specific issue around menopause and need to work out a solution that can be easily and quickly implemented? The menopause inclusivity call is an hour to think things through with an industry leader.

Book your time here…                                    


Want to support your people in how to talk about and behave around menopause, but have a limited budget and are unsure where to start? This approach takes you and your team from unaware to enabled, one step at a time.

Book a call to get started…


Want to create awareness and start to embed positive menopause practices across your organisation? Creating a bespoke programme of work implemented across a three to six month period, enables your people to both start and develop the menopause conversation.

Book a call to get started…


Want to develop the way menopause is both supported and discussed in your organisation? this approach enables an organisation to implement far-reaching change programmes progressively over a six to 12 month period. Afterall business isn’t static and change can take time.

Book a call to get started…