Workplace design and maintenance is a skill, and the UK is a leader in this industry. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the global leaders.

Those organisations are looking for a market edge, for the difference that makes the difference.

When thinking about a menopause-enabled workplace it is more than the fabled desk fan.

It follows the basic principles of enabling people to do great work in a frictionless environment. Seamlessly incorporating the needs of women at this phase in their lives, which for most is when they are at or approaching their most valuable to an organisation.

Design modifications need to be in response to symptoms both visible and invisible, discussed and private. While women may not feel comfortable discussing some symptoms, it doesn’t mean they aren’t experiencing them.

For example, we all know about hot flushes, hence the ubiquitous fan, but flooding is rarely discussed yet devastating to women’s confidence and desire to attend the workplace. Small changes such as seat coverings and the proximity of lockers to toilets makes a small but significant difference.

Once a workplace is live Facilities teams and the systems they run, need to be sensitive to how menopause is discussed and their response to requests for support. Teams need to be trained in what menopause is and its impact to ensure timely and appropriate action can be taken.

There is a great deal that can be done once we are aware of the impact menopause has on people.

Should your organisation want a menopause-enabled workplace or require advice, please get in touch here