Even the most amicable divorce can cause high levels of stress and trauma. The division of finances, property and pets can cause deeply held grievances to surface. All of which pales into insignificance if children are involved, where the effort of shielding them from the dark underbelly of legalities can take a toll.
Is there any wonder then that divorce effects mental and physical health as well as productivity and relationships at work?
While the divorce rates are falling across all other age groups in the UK, those during the menopause years (45+) are on the increase. In a 2023 survey 7 out of 10 women blamed the menopause for a breakdown in their marriage.
How can our places of work support those going through menopause, whether that be directly or indirectly (their partners)?
For those who are menopausal
    • Frequently communicate what support and adjustments are available and how to access them.
    • Create a culture of openness where people know they can seek support without negative impact on their career or reputation.
    • Train managers in how to talk openly about this phase in life and how to support their team.
    • Ensure access to medical professionals and/or complementary therapists is supported.
For partners
Communicate the wider impact of menopause and the importance of being aware.
Run partner focussed awareness events.
Create partner focussed pathways to support.
Train managers to be open to conversations around the impact of menopause on partners and relationships.
The world of work has changed dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic. We are far more aware and accepting of the impact our home-life has on our work-life. The next step for organisations, is recognising the interconnectedness of many of our life experiences and developing wellbeing packages that are cognisant of that.
Both employers and those who work for them are the beneficiaries of this approach. One through increased productivity and fewer absences, the other through increased wellbeing and a sense of being supported through life challenges. This of course leads to people choosing to stay and do great work and others wanting to join them. It really is a win-win.
You can get a copy of both Kate’s books from your favourite bookseller, or click on the link below
A Couple’s Guide to Menopause – Navigating the change together
Your Second Phase – Reclaiming work and relationships during and after menopause