When my menopausal symptoms started to have an impact on me, my marriage and my family, I was terrified I would lose everything. Like most men, my husband didn’t know what was going on and didn’t know what to do or how to help.
We both wished we’d had a book to guide us through, just like those we had for pregnancy and parenting. But there was until now nothing out there.
A Couple’s Guide to Menopause was published on 2nd August. It has been a long journey to get to this point.
For anyone who thinks writing a book takes a few weeks, this one has been two years in the making. During that time, we completely rewrote it twice. We were told by a trusted senior editor that we could do better, just like an old school report. Let’s just say it was a body blow that we took a little while to get our breath back from.
But we knew that what we had was important, we had also invested too much to stop. We focused on the positives, then cut it up and put it back together again, rewriting as we went.
We then re-read it again, hated it and did the boring but necessary work to create a structure that flowed. Que rewrite number two.
I would love to say that we skipped through the rewrites, re-reads and multiple edits, but I’d be lying, we didn’t. The book that came out of it all, is one that we are both incredibly proud of.
Early reviewers have said:
“This was jam-packed with hints and tips on how both partners can handle the changes in the relationship”
“each of the chapters was broken down really well which means that you can just take a chapter at a time if you needed, especially if you are reading it with your partner”
“I’m recommending it to my friends at a similar stage in life, it’s a book that has been needed I think and I’m so glad someone took the time to write it.”
Impact in the workplace
While this may seem out of place in a workplace newsletter, we know that menopause is a significant factor in divorce and that divorce has a negative impact on people’s mental health and ability to work.
While many organisations struggle to engage men in menopause, those who do come often do so to support their partner or their mum. Whatever the reason, gained knowledge and empathy benefits everyone.
The book is available on amazon and all other booksellers and there’s  an audible version as well.